Thursday, April 19, 2012

But what about . . .

But what about their socialization?
Maybe what someone is really asking when they ask this unavoidable question about home schooling is, “What on earth do you do all day?”

What do children do all day? What should they do?

Sit at a desk? Attend lessons and clubs? Dig? Make grocery lists? Read? Talk to neighbors? Build? Work with dad? Write? Play sports? Color? Act? Compose? Practice? Complete worksheets?

And how does a parent decide what their children should be doing? How does a child participate in this decision? What role does society and community play in how this question is answered?


1 comment:

  1. Yes, my son was just quizzed last night at Mutual by our new Bishop. *sigh* He was a bit put out by the quizzing and felt uncomfortable. I am tired of the questions myself.

    That said, I often answer with "What do kids in public school do all day?...wait in line, wait for the teacher to explain to everyone else for the 4th time, learn a dirty joke, get bullied, and maybe learn one new thing that day that is useful. My kids explore the world." answer is a bit curt. My feelings about all the questioning we are currently receiving is making me upset.
