Basic LDE Principles

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A Learner is
someone who is actively looking to fill a need.
If that’s the case, what needs are they trying to fill?
I would suggest that 
a Learner is basically looking to meet
~ immediate needs
~ long term needs

A Learner is driven by the realization that fulfilling their needs depends upon some action on their part.

Two things influence a learner’s needs and actions, namely:
~       the learner’s context
~       how they process their context
Context is briefly defined as everything in the Learner’s environment, including external and internal influences.

Processes of Learning include:
~       exploring and theorizing about context in order to understand it
~       a change in the methods of processing the Learner’s context
~       a change in a Learner’s means of accomplishing goals based on a change in context or processing context
~       taking steps to meet long and short term needs

Evidence of Education includes:
~       meeting needs
~       a continually evolving understanding of context and methods for processing

Basic needs that Learners seek to meet with Education:
~       physical
~       mental
~       emotional
~       spiritual

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